GPO-MBP (2012)
QC Lab extension 410 m2, Clearnroom: 200 m2 of Class C, 80 m2 of BSL – 2 Virology Testing Class C
Thai Otsuka (2008)
New I.V. Factory 7,500 m2, Cleanroom: 1,500 m2 of Class C General Electrical, BAS, Fire Protection, HVAC, Clean Dry Air, Steam, Purify Water
T-MAN (2016-2017)
New Pharmaceutical Building 13,000 m2, Cleanroom: 5,000 m2 of Grade D, 735 m2 Low Humidity area (40%RH)
Bionet Asia (2013-2014)
Supply & Install Cleanroom Grade D for Bio-Laboratory Facilities: HVAC system, Electrical, Cleanroom
Siam Toyota2 (2013)
Supply & Install Facility for Engine Test Bed Room. Air condition, Exhaust, CDA, Cooling tower